Bodhi Freeway 3 Tutorials
Creating your own Ascii format in Bodhi Freeway 3
The ASCII format in this version of Bodhi Freeway 3 has been updated to include user configuration. Previous versions were limited to only supplying trade (open, high, low, close, volume and open interest) values. Bodhi Freeway 3 now permits the user to also download a catalog file containing fundamental data.

The fundamental data you download will depend on the type of securities you are following (i.e. Option or Equity etc.). The Table below illustrates the information you can now choose:

Trade Information - applicable to all security markets. This information is distributed to the individual security file (BHP.csv)
Symbol The code used by the Exchange for the security (maximum 8 characters).
Traded The date this information was traded on.
Open The opening price.
High The highest price the symbol traded at.
Low The lowest price the symbol traded at.
Close The closing price.
Volume The amount of shares that were traded.
Gross The total value traded. (Volume x Amount paid)
OpnInt The open interest price. (Applies to Future markets only)
Common Information - applicable to all security markets. This information is distributed to the Catalog file (!catalog.csv)
Symbol The code used by the Exchange for the security
Status The current status of the security (A = Active)
Called The name of the security (BOQPA = Bank of QLD-Pref)
Family The parent name of the security (BOQPA = Bk of Queensland)
Detail The longer description of the security (this field is currently not populated)
Sector The sector code this security belongs to. You can set this to either the MSCI, GICS 1 or GICS 2 classification. Please Note: you must have the distribution set to the same classification for this to work. Please be aware: Some Exchanges (LSE) only follow the MSCI classification (this only works for Equity markets).
Closed The last closing price.
Issued The number of shares/script on issue.
Begins The first trade date of information contained in this Ascii database.
Ceases The last trade date of information contained in this Ascii database.
Market The market this security belongs to (E = Equities; I = Indice & O = Option).
Equity Information - applicable to the ASX equity market only. This information is distributed to the Catalog file (!catalog.csv)
Income The amount derived from the provision of goods and services falling within the Company's ordinary activities, otherwise known as sales or turnover.
Earned Earnings per share (EPS) is the amount of profit on ordinary activities, after tax and all other charges, that has been earned for each Ordinary share.
Assets Everything that the Company owns at the end of the financial year, expressed in local currency.
Profit The profit before tax figure taken from the Company Report.
Equity The shareholders' interest in the Company.
Liable The total debt figure of the Company expressed in Local Currency.
Divend Otherwise known as DPS. This is the cash amount paid in dividends to each ordinary shareholder for each share held for the financial year. DPS is often comprised of an interim plus a final dividend but may also include special dividends paid.
Return Otherwise known as BETA. This refers to the sensitivity of the rate of return of a security to changes in the rate of return of the market.
Indices Information - applicable to the ASX index market only. This information is distributed to the Catalog file (!catalog.csv)
Start The earliest date on which data for the index is available.
Covers Not currently populated.
Weight The weighting factor that is applied to the constituent's price to determine its absolute weight.
Absolute Weight = Weighting factor X Price.
This calculation depends on the type of weighting system used in an index. For example, the FTSE 100 is market capitalisation weighted using shares in issue, while the DAX is market capitalisation weighted using a weighting factor.
Option Information - applicable to the ASX option and warrant markets only. Distributed to the Catalog file (!catalog.csv)
Writer The issuer of the Warrant or Option (eg. Macquarie Bank).
Method The payment method used for this security. (eg. EN = Endowment etc.).
Priced The closing price on the underlying security.
Expiry The Expiry date of the security.
Strike The Strike price of the security.
Styled The exercise style of the security. (A = American; E = European; L = Event Linked and S = Schedule)
Basket Type of securities included in this instrument. (Eg. Share, Index etc.)
Amount Number of securities included in the basket.
Equals The Exercise ratio for Warrants.
Please Note: some of the fundamental fields stopped being populated in December 2004.

    How do I choose this information?

  1. Open Bodhi Freeway 3.
  2. Click the Configure button.
  3. Put a tick in AsciiCsv (if it isn't already present).
  4. Right-click over the word AsciiCsv. The Configure screen will appear.
  5. A number of tabs will appear along the top of this screen. The Trade and Common tab are standard, the other tabs will depend on what data you have selected to download. If you are only downloading Equity markets, only this tab will appear.
  6. Place a tick in the boxes next to the information you require for each market (refer to the table above for descriptions of the fields).

    Bodhi Freeway 3: Configuring the Ascii Format

  7. Now choose the date format you require.YYYYMMDD (20041129) is the default setting but if you would prefer to use the Microsoft® general number format, select this option. When opening these files in Microsoft® Excel you can format a general number to any date format you require (i.e. DD-MMM-YY = 23-Nov-04)
  8. If you require a Header in either the Catalog and/or Trade files, select the appropriate option. A header puts the names of each field at the top of the record.
  9. Choose whether you want to use MSCI or GICS sectors from the drop-down box.
  10. If you require a Prefix or a Suffix, tick the required box then click the Edit button to create these. More information on this can be found in the tutorial: Creating Prefix and Suffix.